Lisa Tingle * UX Strategist * Program Manager

UPS / Conducted Usability Study on Microsite

  • Client: UPS
  • Project: UPS Small Business Microsite
  • Methodology: One-on-One Moderated In-person Study
  • When in the SDLC?: End of the Definition phase

The Small Business (SB) hub was an initiative to develop a digital hub to demonstrate that UPS understands small businesses and can provide real value and inspiring them to sign up for bundle of services. This was aimed at prospective and current UPS customers to sign up and ultimately, use UPS products and services more.

At launch, the SB hub had the following sections:

  1. Bundle Sign-Up → A tool that helped users find and sign-up for the UPS bundle of services, solutions and products to meet their unique shipping and logistics needs.
  2. Business Analysis → Provided users with custom content by having them answer a series of questions.
  3. Expert Content → Helped users find the most useful and relevant logistics information for their business. This personalized hub highlighted the latest articles case studies and videos based on their interests and businesses like theirs.

Goal & Challenge

The goal of the study was to help inform the development of the site by doing the following:

  • - Understand behavioral insights around registration
  • - Assess satisfaction and acceptance of the overall flow
  • - Gather feedback on the task experiences to include navigation systems and core models (cues and triggers, content and help areas)


An in-person 1:1 User Experience Study was designed as part of the pre-launch measurement study. The results were utilized to help guide the next phase of SB hub development.Sessions were conducted in-person in two key U.S. markets.

Example of Results:

  • - Process of Signing Up - Overall, most were OK with the length of the process for signing-up as long as they understood the value of having the UPS CONNECT KIT up-front.

  • - You've Reached us Outside of Our Business Hours - The messaging was unexpected and some expressed that it seems like it would actually take longer get the confirmation email at since this site is tailored towards small business. There was no clear preference which option was more preferable and it really depends on the task at hand. The CTA “Continue to Form” caused confusion.

  • - Steps vs. Progress Bar - The progress bar was better at setting expectations on the length of the process than the steps because it changed from page to page. The only part that was frustrating was knowing exactly how long it would be since the increments were inconsistent.

  • - Sign-in with LinkedIn - Some thought the use of LinkedIn here would broadcast their actions on this site to their connections.

  • - 'Thank You' Page - Overall, most understood what they have just signed-up for the UPS Connect Kit, but still not sure what that means exactly.

    The term “add-ons” used here made respondents think these are available at an additional cost. One respondent wondered why this isn’t part of the sign-up and mentioned that he’s likely to glaze-over this because it’s on this page.