Lisa Tingle * UX Strategist * Program Manager

DuPont / Conducted Research

  • Client: DuPont
  • Role: Usability Researcher
Launch Project

The Phoenix templates (DuPont Global platform) was launched in the Summer 2012. Internally within DuPont, certain BU have voiced issues of not being able to find things on the site (e.g., find crop protection from a brand page).

A Phased Study was conducted to accomplish this as part of a post-launch measurement research to guide the next phase of site optimization.

First Phase
A survey was designed and sent to a sampling of DuPonters to find out WHAT users had trouble doing on the site today with the current experience on

Second Phase
The results of the survey were then utilized to produce a prototype to use as a stimulus that focused on changes to certain features that were potential issues.

A remote 1:1 moderated usability sessions was conducted over a period of a week. This was an effort to find out exactly HOW users performed tasks (that were identified in the first phase) on the prototype. There were a total of 14 one-hour sessions conducted using WebEx. This part of the study spanned across regions and businesses with a mix of DuPonters and Customers. (See Research Findings)